Thursday, January 10, 2008


Sunrise at Mountain Springs
Sunset at Mountain Springs

I don't do New Year's resolutions because it is a recipe for failure. I can resolve to go on a diet. Then Jack says let's go to the Boardwalk for gumbo tonight. What can I say? Or, I resolve to walk to the mailbox and back each day. Then the weather gets cold, rainy, foggy, and not fun for outdoor activities, especially exercise. So New Year's resolutions go by the wayside by the second week of January. I just don't do them anymore.

But, it occurred to me that I can do everyday resolutions. If I fail, there's always "tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow" as Annie says. For several years now, I have set aside a few quiet moments in the early morning for prayer/devotion time. It is much easier for me than it used to be because I do with not have to rush out the door to school at 7:30 each day. However, have friends that can do this and still get to work on time. God blesses women who can manage children, husband, work, and prayer time, no doubt. None the less, I now resolve to do the following (daily)--it is written in the front of my devotion/journal.

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all things" 1 Thes. 5:16-18

If I fail, but I will try not to, there's always "tomorrow"!