Thursday, January 24, 2008

Everyday Joys

Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!
Ps. 34:8

Just like the "dancing" elk in the picture, we need to find joy in everyday things. A few year ago, a ladies' magazine, I forget which one, had one line fillers sprinkled throughout the pages called "Lifesavers"-- reminders of the little daily blessings such as--a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows, a child singing, etc. I like to make my own list of "Lifesavers". Maybe I will call them "Life Blessings". Here are a few of mine:

Amaryllis blooming at Christmastime, reading to a child, watching our grownup son read to his young son, dark chocolate in any form (and now it is considered good for us, Yippee!!), birds singing, walking up to the door of Boxley Church on Sunday morning and hearing a hymn playing on the loud speaker, the full moon over the mountain, faraway airplanes making their way across the night sky, jet trails in the blue sky, a colt and his mother in the pasture on the hillside, flannel sheets in winter, a cup of hot coffee served to me in bed while snuggled between flannel sheets, sunrises in the summer, sunsets all year long, Daisy's cold nose, a new emailed picture of Jack Henry accompanied with a story, emails from friends--longtime ones and new ones, roses on Aunt Marie's rose bush, going to the nursery in spring for flowers, packages delivered by the UPS guy (or anyone for that matter), morning quiet time in the loft, Christmas lights anywhere anytime, watching snowflakes fall outside my window, 6 inches of good snow on a sunny day, sledding down the drive all the way to the mailbox (exhilarating!), working in the dirt with the promise of gorgeous flowers-to-come, the first ripe tomato from the garden, chipmunks at the feeders, cattle on a thousand hills (or just the ones across the hollow that I see from my window), guests in the cabins, good neighbors, "I Love You" from someone special...

Guess I'll stop for now, though it is a great way to pass the time--counting blessings.