Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Winter Event

View from the porch.

     All day Tuesday we watched as freezing rain turned to sleet, sleet turned to snow.  We held our breaths when the electricity blinked, but it held!  After the "Ice Storm of 2009" we are ready.   We can stay warm and cozy (and, well fed) with gas heat and, if necessary, the back-up generator.

Molly and Daisy check our little 'critter' scents

     The winds howled all night and, the next morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland.  After lunch, the sun peeked out and, even with wind chills of 10 degrees and light snow flurries , the dogs and I went for a walk.  Despite my attempt to bundle up, it was cold! The sun soon went behind the clouds, and the few pictures I got were disappointing. (Of course, a snow picture can't do justice to a winter scene)  The shock of crisp, cold wind on your face, the little glistening snow flakes in the air, the stark whiteness of everything, the soft crunch of boots on new snow--well, you just have to be here!

Deedee, Dude, and Chipper watch as I climb up the hill

     It was curious to watch the horses on Tuesday.  Despite a warm barn with hay, they preferred to stay outside as the snow fell--running, jumping, kicking up their heels like children.  It's not unusual for Dude and Chipper to nip and chase each other, but usually Deedee is a little too dignified for such play.  After watching them, I  know what 'horse play' means!  

Bird bath with warmer

     We have four bird feeders to keep full as well as the bird bath water each day.  Then, there are the deer that slip up the hill for a little corn in the late afternoon.  Everybody is well fed around Mountain Springs in  wintertime.  I made a large pot of beef stew with rice for supper.  We all enjoyed our meal, even the dogs!

The garden shed in winter

     As I look at the bare, cold garden shed, I know that soon the snow will melt and little green sprouts will spring up everywhere.  We are thankful for the snowfall which brings moisture and nitrogen to the soils.  I am also glad for the 'down' time when I can catch up on inside chores (taxes! and cleaning closets Ugh!) plus a little free time for projects.  I am working on a new scrapbook for the cabin as well as a new one for the family, and I have plans for a few sewing projects (pillows for the sofa). 

Oh Wind!  If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?   P.B.Shelley         

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