Friday, August 20, 2010

Dreams of Autumn


Maple in Ponca
     The hot, dry winds blow across the brown crispy grass that covers the yard.  As I look out my kitchen window I see the those plants that are still alive crying out for a drink of water.  In a few minutes I will go out and relieve their thirst.  I am ready for autumn winds and rains to come, and come in abundance!  Here is what I am "thirsty" for.

Eagle's Rest Cabin at its finest
     Our little rental cabin, Eagle's Rest, stays full  most of the year with guests who come to soak up those cool mountain breezes. (Yes, even in the snow!)   They might take a hike down one of our hiking trails then come back to the cozy cabin for a soak in the whirlpool tub.  They might curl up by the fire with a good book!  Oh! My!  I can hardly wait to do the same!

Hikers on the trail to Hawksbill Crag

     No doubt, hiking the Ozarks is a spiritual experience. One is mesmerized by the palette of fall colors--maples of red and orange, black gums of scarlet, oaks of burnt orange, sassafrass of yellow, all framed by a sky of blue and earth of brown. 

Autumn at Mountain Springs 
      We sat on the porch at daybreak this morning-- with our coffee in hand--there was definitly a feeling in the breeze that promises us fall will come soon.  Until then, the thirsty plants are crying for relief!

 Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act.  Psalm 37:3,7

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