Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The End of the Day

Ozark Mountain Spa

     At the end of a long, hot summer day my old tub is waiting for me.  I fill it with water early in the day, and let the sun warm it to just the right temp.  A lazy soak just as the sun is going down is a unique mountain pleasure!

Bathing Bluebirds

      The bluebirds join me for their version of the mountain spa!

Frittilary on Zinnia
And, a butterfly also keeps me company as I cool down after a hot day in the garden.

Summer garden treasures
I'm thinking bacon and tomato sandwiches for supper!

Summer sunflowers

 Nothing says "summer" like a beautiful sunflower.  These were planted by the birds.   

My summer backyard

No house should ever be on any hill or on anything.  It should be of the hill, belonging to it, so hill and house could live together each the happier for the other.  Frank Lloyd Wright

1 comment:

My Little Home and Garden said...

Your home is beautiful. I've enjoyed looking at some of your posts and seeing the lovely birds, flowers and more.