Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break Lives On!

Snow Bunnies

Spring Break '09 is history, but it left behind lots of memories! (Retired or not, every teacher knows Spring Break will come!) The memories started the first day of the break(Saturday) when Jack's archery team at Jasper won third in state. What fun for the kids, their parents, and the coach. The memories continued the next day-- a sunny Sunday afternoon at Branson Landing with a little shopping, a little seafood, and lots of time to enjoy sitting on a bench people watching, (with a large dip of ice cream in hand). Despite the gloom so often reported in the news lately, folks were there, just as we were, making the most of a beautiful springtime day.

We didn't know then, but the sun was going to be a scarce thing the rest of the week. We mixed work and play--going into town for plumbing supplies and eating at Neighbor's Mill knowing when we got home the downstairs bath was calling (no! crying out!). We spent one grungy day pulling out pipes, cleaning up spills, and finally finding that pesky leak that had haunted us for weeks! UGH! It's done! Thanks, Jack!

With the weather not at its best for hiking or canoeing, we found other ways to occupy the rest of the week of no sunshine. We took a drive on a favorite mountain road. One that lets us look back at our house and cabin from a distance. We checked the river stage at Ponca and watched the Buffalo as its banks, swollen from the recent rains, overflowed and gushed over the low water bridge--always an awesome site!

We enjoyed guests coming and going this week as they spent part of their Spring Break in our cabin--a family with children, a couple who brought along friends--just happy to relax and enjoy the mountains. Friday night at the Ozark in Jasper with our neighbors was fun. Joe Villines and his guests, the Sherman Mountain Bluegrass Boys, a group of young talented guys from the school, entertained outstandingly and topped off the week--we thought! Then another surprise!

The weatherman kept telling us we could have snow Saturday--we laughed! He had the last laugh! It snowed all day and night--2 inches total! It was beautiful sight watching from the windows, as the snow flew across the mountains, covering the hills and valleys. As this was taking place, we noticed a large white bird flying through the snow following a flock of Canadian Geese. They circled the pastures and landed in a pond across the highway. It was a very large bird, and I immediately thought of the Trumpeter Swans. With our spotting scope, we were able to verify it was indeed one of the swan group. Obviously it was lost! We were able to slip close enough to the pond and the bird to get the number off his collar and report the sighting. He (she) later left the pond, and we haven't seen him (her) again. I do hope he caught up with his flock. Some were seen last week in downtown Harrison on the lake there. His number indicated he wasn't one of those seen there, but a part of the same group that should be heading north. Poor things! When man interferes with nature, things don't always work out as man plans. "The best laid plans of mice and men...etc." (By the way we caught two mice and Molly caught one during the plumbing episode!) But that's another story! Back to the swans---What will happen to the disoriented young swans remains to be seen. Will they make it north to their nesting grounds? Will they even find their "home" at Boxley again? Will they reunite with the rest of the flock again? Reverse migration! Explain this to the birds!

On Sunday, with still one more day before Spring Break officially ended, we took off for Little Rock , leaving home early in the snow for a visit with family and the joy of our lives, Jack Henry, who didn't let us down. The joy was contagious, and we are ready for the new week and the rest of spring with joy in our hearts and, as they say, a spring in our step.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

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